Friday, 1 May 2020

Bookmarks for Artists in Time

This activity is proposed by Theresa:

  1. Look out for a used paper surface that you no-longer need - This could be a piece of cardboard packaging, an old book, a newspaper or a magazine.  The surface of the paper needs to be suitable for pencil, crayon or watercolour.  However, if the surface has a shiny plastic or ‘resistant’ coating, like some food packaging, then you would need to draw with an acrylic paint or permanent marker, so it stays on the surface ok.
  2. Gather your materials together, put some favourite music on, then look out your window, or look at something on your window ledge itself.
  3. If looking outside, then focus on natural or man-made form, or both, the shapes and colours you see.  If you are drawing something on the window ledge, then look at the object on the ledge, or you might just see a spec of dust, the form of the window frame itself, a small insect crawling along it…
  4. DRAW IT! Work fairly quickly.  Use whatever material you have to hand.  It might take between ½ and 1 hour. Be patient and observe the object.
  5. In the bottom right hand corner, sign and date the drawing; say/write anything else you feel at that moment in time.

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